Saturday, July 31, 2010

End of Summer

It seems this summer has flown by faster than usual. We greatly enjoyed several summer trips and especially enjoyed having time to connect with family and friends. Bella & Luke start school in one short week and are very excited to see their friends and get back to their studies. They both are so relieved that our house has not sold and that they have another year at GMG.

After 10 months with our house on the market with very few showings and no offers we have decided to take the house off the market and take a break until next spring. Although we still feel we ultimately need to move to Ames for schooling for Seth we don't want to stress Bella & Luke out with another year of living in limbo and not knowing where they will be for the school year. This has not been an easy decision as it means another year of homeschooling Seth which is a great challenge for Jenn and Seth. Yet another good reason to turn to the Lord in prayer for strength. It seems He knows I need big challenges to stay completely dependent on Him. When things are going too smoothly I'm so prone to think I can handle things myself.

Over the past couple weeks I have been busy at work getting the kids bedrooms repainted so we could switch the boys' and Bella's rooms to make room for foster children. We received our foster license in the mail at the end of July and are excited to receive our first placement and now I can say that I'm truly ready logistically to welcome foster children into our home. Being ready emotionally is certainly another thing altogether - but this is one of those things I'm not sure you'll ever feel you're truly ready for. So we take the leap of faith and trust God to provide all we need.